
Exploring true advertising impact in our two-pager report

The growth of digital media consumption and spending has been a steady trend for many years, with digital media now surpassing offline media as a larger marketing driver. Social media, in particular, has seen a significant increase in its share of media-driven sales over the past five years.

As a result, it is becoming increasingly important to gain more granular insights into the effectiveness of each channel within social media. By understanding the true incremental value of each channel, businesses can make data-driven decisions on how to allocate their budgets and maximize their ROI. This highlights the need for robust measurement tools such as geographical experiments to provide businesses with the insights they need to establish priorities and stay ahead in a complex and ever-evolving digital landscape.

Previously elaborated on the research article by Daniel Azadian and Kasper Madsen – which highlights the risk imposed on advertisers that rely too heavily on misleading attribution models such as last-click –, having a holistic and incremental approach to measurement is imperative, now more than ever.

Meta study across seven brands in Norway and Denmark showcases that Snapchat is effective at driving incremental business

Our new two-pager summarizes the findings from seven geographical experiments across different advertisers and industries in the Nordics. This project aimed at delivering:

  • Inspiration on how to measure the true digital media impact of marketing activities in a scientific and cookieless setup
  • A well-documented study of the effectiveness of using Snapchat as a marketing channel
Jumping into (the right) conclusions

The seven individual cases unanimously show that Snapchat is very effective in driving incremental business. In addition to the results in each of the seven cases, commonalities across the cases have been explored. ​

Looking at the consumer journey, Snapchat can be considered a channel driving awareness and interest. Thus, advertising on Snapchat is expected to be assisting conversions driven through other channels along the consumer journey. These findings therefore highlight the risk imposed on advertisers that rely too heavily on misleading attribution models such as last-click. Having a holistic and incremental approach to measurement is important – now more than ever​.

To learn more, download our two-pager and discover the opportunities within geographical experiments and incrementality studies.

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