Data activation


The transportation industry is highly competitive so strong media performance is crucial.  Our North American transportation client needed an innovative solution to make the most of their media budget.


The client was relying on metrics that didn’t align with their business goals and needed to leverage signals from historically disparate data sets to achieve their objectives of maximizing conversions and improving attention metrics to help support brand lift. We partnered across the client, Google and the media agency to achieve these goals using custom algorithms.


We took an iterative approach to create two custom algorithms to boost conversions and key attention metrics correlated to brand lift. We followed a five-step cycle to test and learn.  Our approach included:

  1. Evaluation of the client’s available data
  2. Development and deployment of the algorithm within DV360
  3. Analysis of the performance and opportunities for improvement
  4. Testing new data sources to inform the algorithm using machine learning
  5. Adjusting the algorithm based on new insights

After the success of the first algorithm, we created a second algorithm focused on attention metrics — effectively evaluating how customers are paying attention to media and marketing.


Both of our custom algorithms delivered strong results, outperforming the baseline campaign and driving improvements to key metrics for our client. Our first custom algorithm delivered:

  • 71% increase in conversion rate
  • 52% decrease in cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • 16% decrease in effective cost per mille (eCPM)

Our second custom algorithm delivered:

  • 19% increase in average total exposure time
  • 7% increase in average interaction time

Our iterative approach created tailored solutions for our client, delivering on their goal to modernize their bidding strategy and achieving their key objectives around conversions and attention metrics.

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